System Engagement
Multi-agency and system wide engagement
The PRANA programme has engaged with the following significant national stakeholders:
Pre-hospital patient and family forum

NHS England, Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response
Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care (FPHC) of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
National Association of Ambulance Service Medical Directors (NASMeD) chair

Association of ambulance service chief executives (AACE)

National Ambulance Service Research Steering Group

National Ambulance Service Clinical Quality Group

Intercollegiate board for training in pre-hospital emergency medicine (IBTPHEM)
Air Ambulances UK (AAUK)

Health Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP)

Department of Transport, Travel and Environment Data and Statistics (TRENDS) Division
Department of transport, Road Safety Investigation Branch
Highways England
Transport Research Laboratory
NHS Digital Ambulance Dataset Project

Paediatric intensive Care Audit and Research Network (PICANet)

Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC)
Trauma Audit and Research Network (TARN)

British Association of Immediate Care Schemes (BASICS)

National clinical directors for trauma, emergency preparedness and emergency care

NIHR Clinical Research Network, trauma and emergency care specialty group, deputy lead
National HEMS research and audit forum (NHRAF)
National HEMS medical director forum
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service
Scottish specialist transport and retrieval service (SCOTSTAR)
Wales Emergency Medical Retrieval and Transport Service (EMRTS)
System wide engagement activity
PRANA stakeholder engagement activity has been running formally from 2019 and has involved colleagues from across the 4 nations.

On going system engagement
PRANA is a huge collaboration. Stakeholder engagement and involvement is a continuous multi-lateral process and is essential to enable the power encapsulated in linked data to be released to advocate for patients. The PRANA team welcome ideas and comments about the programme - you can make contact through the contact us link in the menu bar.